
Professional Services

What We Do

Tackling a dissertation is daunting and represents the pinnacle of academic achievement. Developing a research focus, researching extant literature, selecting a methodology, conducting original research, analyzing your data, and writing everything up in a uniquely challenging format can easily overwhelm you throughout the project. That’s where we help.

We coach you through the process, help you manage the project, act as your accountability partner, give you constructive feedback, and turn potential pitfalls and weaknesses into advantages. We make sure you cover all the sections that you need to include in each chapter, act as your sounding board to talk through ideas, nudge you when you are stuck, and ensure your argument follows logical reasoning and presents a cohesive case.

In addition, we review, revise, and edit your dissertation to confirm it conveys your message clearly and distinctly and conforms to the appropriate style (APA, AMA, Chicago, MLA, etc.), and the prevailing style requirements of your graduate college.


Manuscript Development and Structure

Ensure you include all sections appropriate to the project.

Review, organize, and integrate material as necessary to enhance Slinky® flow.

Provide chapter-by-chapter feedback, correcting, adding, revising, or deleting throughout the process.

Maintain copies of in-progress documents, sections, chapters, etc., to provide a record of all work completed.

Generate the master document as you complete individual chapters or sections.


Editorial and Stylistic

Perform a musical line edit to enhance resonance, improve clarity and readability, ensure ideas are presented in a logical sequence (Slinky® flow), and preserve your unique voice.

Ensure the final document adheres to APA (or the appropriate) style guidelines, specifically addressing heading levels, multiple citations within single parentheses, and versus &, et al., correct format for tables and figures, block quotes, numbers, crosschecking citations and references, locating and incorporating missing pieces of information on references, appropriate use of abbreviations and acronyms, etc.

Ensure the final document satisfies the specific style requirements of your graduate college. These requirements typically include margins, fonts, page numbering, layout of front and back matter, spacing, tables of contents, lists of tables and figures, etc.



Create final versions (Microsoft Word and/or pdf) for submission to dissertation committees, graduate colleges, peer-reviewed journals, and publishers.



Provide guidance on slide content and the length of your presentation, act as your practice-partner, serve as your official note-taker during your defense, or run your slides so you can concentrate on what you want to say.



Conduct a final review of stylistic and graduate college formatting requirements. Make any and all corrections or revisions requested by your graduate college.